Auth methods
Auth methods are the components in Vault that perform authentication and are responsible for assigning identity and policies to a user.
Use case
Authenticate and access different clouds, systems, and endpoints using trusted identities.
The move to cloud involves a shift in operating model for infrastructure. Traditionally we had a relatively static world of dedicated servers, static IP addresses, and a clear network perimeter. In the cloud, we have ephemeral and elastic pools of infrastructure with dynamic IP addresses and no clear perimeter.
In a static world, we established a network perimeter and managed access based on IP address. For security teams, the cloud requires a fundamentally different approach: starting with understanding the network as inherently "low trust" and moving to the idea of securing infrastructure and application services themselves, based on trusted identities and encrypting all secrets and application data.
Leverage any trusted identity provider, such as cloud IAM platforms, Kubernetes, and Active Directory, to authenticate into Vault. Identity is scale independent, unlike IP addresses, which require complex firewall rules and frequent updates.
Auth methods are the components in Vault that perform authentication and are responsible for assigning identity and policies to a user.
Authentication in Vault is the process by which user- or machine-supplied information is verified against an internal or external system.
Vault provides an identity management solution through the Identity secrets engine.
Vault clients must authenticate with Vault first and acquire a valid token.
Vault supports multiple authentication methods and also allows enabling the same type of authentication method on different mount paths.
The OIDC auth method enables a user's browser to redirect to an identity provider, complete a login, and then be routed back to Vault with a newly created token.
Learn why IP-based identity is not suitable for the cloud — and the one key strategy for effective cloud security.
Armon Dadgar
Co-founder & CTO